The Ultimate Reiki Package
The Ultimate Reiki Package
So, Where Can You Access This Powerful Eastern and Western, Reiki Self-Attuning System Which Is Having Such Astonishing Results?
Because it is such an easy method to follow, it was possible to include the whole system inside Chikara-Reiki-Do and the Ultimate Online Reiki Package.
A truly delightful, multi-media package in which…
You’ll discover absolutely everything you need to know to carry out your own, very powerful, very beautiful, Reiki Master self-attunement…
Attuning yourself to both the Eastern and Western styles of Reiki – enriching, enhancing and expanding your Reiki to the highest level possible.
As we’ve been successfully sharing Chikara-Reiki-Do Master Self-Attunements online for over 20 years now, attuning thousands upon thousands of Reiki Masters worldwide… you can rest assured that, especially in these troubled times, this is probably the safest, most time-tested, and most sought after ways of attuning to the level of Usui Reiki Master anywhere in the western world today.