Fibroids Miracle
Fibroids Miracle by Amanda Leto
Fibroids Miracle is a book created by Amanda Leto, a health and nutrition expert and former fibroids sufferer. The book steps the reader through a discovery stage to help determine the specific type of fibroids she has and what the cause or causes are based upon answering a series of questions.
Following a program of proven natural treatments, the Fibroids Miracle claims to help women reduce or eliminate their fibroids and related symptoms in a matter of weeks.
Author and developer of the plan Amanda Leto explains that the system is designed in a way to allow the user to customize to their specific condition. The author talks about the ease of use of the fibroidsmiracle system. She states that it is “practical” and centered around the average person. She includes that intended the system to be easily understood, easily implemented and logically organized to allow her readers a realistic way to use the system and see speedy results. The website boasts of the number of women in 131 countries that have used the program with success and 98.2 percent are satisfied with their results from using fibroidsmiracle.